Thursday 27 August 2015

Mixcloud mix for Jaz and the Genesis!

While continuing to finish the second part of Jaz & the Genesis, I've done so with a dedicated playlist which I've now made into a DJ Mix, encouraged by friends and family into trying it out. I've also kindly been allowed to post it on the University Radio page where I hosted a show for a little while....!
I hope this satiates while I gathering more drawing speed again. There's lots coming soon!

Saturday 8 August 2015


It's finally here! Click the link below to read:

Rating: Young Adult +
Contains strong language and fantasy gore

Friday 7 August 2015

Close but no cigar! Jaz & the Genesis released tomorrow due to unexpected stuff.

With one minute to the midnight hour, it's safe to say I've missed the intended release date for Jaz & the Genesis due to postgraduate things of various sorts today - although I got damn close! I'm four pages away from finishing the final stage - turning my scribbled writing into legible font. So, safe to say, I will return to my task tomorrow after a good night's sleep and post it up over the weekend.

Lesson learnt - no more setting myself release dates, as I seem to be terrible at accommodating for the unexpected! It'll be progress updates from now on.

Monday 3 August 2015

'Jaz & the Genesis' - nearly there...!

Currently pedalling away at final touches for 'Jaz & the Genesis', for which the first half is to be released free on my blog this Friday. Though I'd love to stop and chat, I'll leave you with this li'l teaser and come back with tea and biscuits for you when I've finished it...!