Thursday 16 October 2014

BLOG ACTION DAY - The Source of Silence

This is the image I want to share with you for Blog Action Day, exploring the topic of inequality.
Over recent months I have received lots of emails and post regarding inequality from groups I follow, including Holocaust Educational Trust,, Avaaz, 38 Degrees, Oxfam, Amnesty, NSPCC and so on. In receiving so many emails it can be difficult to know how to support each of them, and the amount of injustice around us can be overwhelming to the point that we don't know what to do. Then, with four appeal letters on my table, it hit me: most often the connection between these discrimination cases is not the victim, but the attitudes of the perpetrators. It's the way these perpetrators don't listen, use aggression to force victims into silence, and make them feel like there can't be a chance to speak out without consequences. I hope this double page spread, collaborating these four letters into one disjointed narrative, explains this.

As a result, I'm planning a new graphic novel which will look at how a group of young people survive and form their own voices in a fictional, secretly totalitarian regime. I hope this and the graphic novel might help change perspectives for those who think inequality can't be significantly lessened...!


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